Who Will Raise The Alarm?

When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind” C S Lewis

Who out there will raise the alarm
And have the courage to halt the destructive self-harm,
To stop all we have gained being thrown away,
Without the people having their say?

Who has the voice that won’t be ignored?
Who’ll declare that “the science” is so totally flawed?
Who’ll be the sense and reason defender?
And expose the madness of the net zero agenda?

Who’ll shout out for the empirical facts,
Denouncing the propaganda, which from reality detracts?
Who’ll take on the, so called, financial elite
And all those politicians who sit at their feet?

Who’ll tell the world that the UN’s primary goal
Is over our lives to have total control?
Who will arrive and throw off that yolk
And free us all from the tyranny of woke?

The silent majority now need to find their voice
And loudly decry the loss of freedom and choice,
Brush aside the fearmongering, for fear is a liar,
And dismiss the gaslighting by those who conspire.

It’s time to reject any new totalitarian state,
Time for the individual to rise up, before it’s too late!

New Year Resolution 2021

“The sad truth about humanity…is that people believe what they’re told. Maybe not the first time, but by the hundredth time, the craziest of ideas just becomes a given.”
Neal Shusterman

My new year resolution
Will be different this year,
As I feel I’m missing out
On the panic and fear,
So I’m abandoning critical thinking,
And instead of being challenged by that,
I’m going out to buy
A dumbing-down hat.

Then I can be taken in
By all of the media hype,
Believe the relentless propaganda,
All the BS and tripe
And I won’t form the opinions
That I used to keep,
I can just nod in agreement,
Become one of the sheep.
I’ll stop all of my questioning,
Just learn to accept,
And worship the politicians
Even though they’re inept.
Forget about their manifestos
That they choose never to follow,
And all the promises they make
That turn out to be hollow.
I’ll appreciate that Covid
Is just the worst thing ever,
And destroying our economies
Was really so very clever.
I’ll believe in “the science”,
Pretend it really exists,
Instead of wanting to throw things,
Or slit my wrists!
I’ll pretend that CO2
Causes the planet to warm,
And that we’ll all be dead soon
If we fail to conform.
Believe that renewable energy
Is not all about money,
And claiming that it’s “green”
Is not all that funny.
Imagine that Extinction Rebellion
Is not really extreme,
The child Greta is not as ridiculous
As she might always seem.
Accept the BLM movement
Could be about race,
And demonstrations of subservience
Really are not a disgrace.
That the social media giants
Are not a dangerous breed,
And that my personal privacy
Is not something I need.
That being politically correct
Is a must at all times,
And not following the narrative
Is the worst of all crimes.
That our freedom speech
Has no right to be free,
And our thoughts need correcting
Quite radically ……..
Hold on for a minute,
Stop just where you are!
Being turned into ‘woke’
Will be one step too far.
By wearing the hat
Perhaps the cost is too high,
How can I meekly accept
Without asking why?

Happy 2021
May the ‘thoughts’ be with you.

I Am A Contrarian

I am a contrarian,
A skeptic through and through,
Don’t follow the narrative,
Like I’m told I must do
I am my own person,
Not some left wing classification,
And I believe in free speech,
But not the Marxist interpretation.
I’ve retained my sense and reason,
Not been politically corrected,
And by the woke ideology
I’ve not been infected.

A critical thinker at heart,
When critical thoughts aren’t allowed,
Not in awe of the media,
By their brainwashing not cowed.
 Consider myself an empiricist,
Doesn’t mean I lack emotions,
I just don’t confuse them with facts,
Coming up with ridiculous notions.
An environmentalist as well,
In the true meaning of the word,
Not a climate change disciple,
Following a religion that’s absurd.
Not frightened by debate,
Don’t need to call people a name,

Don’t feel responsible for our past,
Not looking for someone to blame.
I used to be one of many,
Perhaps now one of the few,
Just shows what dumbing-down
And indoctrination can do.
Being a questioner and a thinker
Makes me a strange kind of man,
But I’ve no plans to change,
Proud to be a contrarian.  
TOOTG Copyright 2016-2020 01

From the Classroom – The Silencing of the Lambs

“Not since the days of the Hitler Youth have young people been subjected to more propaganda on more politically correct issues. At one time educators boasted that their role was not to teach students what to think, but how to think. Today their role is far too often to teach students what to think on everything from immigration to global warming to the new sacred trinity of ‘race, class and gender'”
Thomas Sowell

TPOTG Lambs SilencedGood morning my little lambs,
How are you all today?
Sit up and pay attention,
Please put your phones away.
Before we start our lesson,
Johnny won’t be coming back to school,
He has broken what is perhaps
Our most sacred golden rule.
He used the forbidden word “why”
In class yesterday,
And we all know that’s a word
We must never ever say.
So he’s being sent to a special school,
With those similarly infected,
And we send him our best wishes,
And hope he gets politically corrected.
Now back to our lesson, see I have written
“Free Speech”, there on the board,
And our lesson for today
Is why that should be ignored.
I’m here to teach you what to think,
All you’ll ever need to know,
So any unnecessary free speaking
Will help confusion flourish and grow,
And if we all become confused,
Well, that’s a very bad idea,
And that’s the reason why free speech
Is something to fear.
So there you are my little lambs,
Why your silence you must always keep,
Then you will all grow up to become
Nice, obedient little sheep.

TOOTG Copyright 2016-2020 01

One Day As A Tiger

The world is full of sheep.

TPOTG Tiger Frame 01

Better one day as a tiger
Than a hundred years as a sheep;
A promise I made
That I try keep.
True to myself,
Not following the crowd;
An independence of thought,
Of which I am proud.

Our freedom of speech
Is under attack,
Our own fault really,
Reflects the courage we lack.
Hard earned freedoms
Simply being taken away,
Be careful what you think,
Be careful what you say.

From history we should learn,
But not anymore;
The lessons of history
We choose to ignore.
Less well informed,
But with more information,
There’s no power in knowledge
For this generation.

I’m probably being targeted
In my poet’s role;
Not conforming to the narrative,
Not under control.
With my freedom of speech
Not politically corrected,
On the government’s radar
I’ll soon be detected.

They might try to isolate me
For the things that I write,
But I won’t be intimidated,
I won’t give up my fight.
Not an activist really,
Just exercising free thought,
In mainstream media’s web
I refuse to be caught.

Say what they want to hear,
Don’t dare speak the truth,
Don’t argue their reasoning,
Don’t dare ask for proof.
Free thought and opinions
A threat to the nation.
However did we end up
In this sad situation?

TOOTG Copyright 2016-2020 01